Every word has a unique story of its own. My goal is to explore and share these stories. I am not an etymologist who will delve into word roots, origins, and various rules. Instead, I’ll keep things as simple as possible so that you can connect the words you use in your everyday life with different technical terms.


Why? We ask this question in various parts of our life. But we don't ask this question in terms of names. Why is Argentina called Argentina, or October called October? Most of the time we think names are just as they are. But sometimes there are fascinating stories behind these names. Explore these fascinating stories of how the world around you got its name.


Memorizing medical terms was really hard and boring for me until I started to discover their connections with everyday words. Join me on this journey of discovery!


English is so weird in the sense that its spelling and pronunciation are not always the same. The plural of ‘mouse’ is ‘mice,’ while the plural of ‘spouse’ is not ‘spice.’ My goal in this section is to explain the logic behind these rules. I am not a grammarian and won’t dive into too many technicalities rather a simple explanation understable for general audience