med terms made easy

Naming of some Viruses
A virus is a tiny, invisible thing that’s somewhere between alive and not alive. It’s so small you can’t see it without a microscope. Viruses can get inside living cells and make them do things, like copying themselves. Sometimes, they make us sick, but they also have a role in nature. Even though they’re small, they have a big effect on how life works.

Cell division

Mitosis has the term mitos in it.Mitos means thread we can see thread like chromatin structure in the initial process of mitosis that is why it is named so.
The term “myein” means “closing” or “shutting.” It can refer to closing the lips or eyes. In the context of eyes, myosis specifically relates to myopia—a condition where distant objects are not clearly visible.

Nine Major Phylums

In Greek, "poros" refers to a pore or an opening. "Fero" in Greek means "to bear" or "to carry," implying that these organisms "bear" or "carry" pores, which are abundant in their structure.

In English, the word 'pour' refers to the flow of water steadily, which the animals of Porifera do through their holes.

Fungi scientific Names

The word “candidate” comes from the Latin word “candidatus,” which means “clothed in white.” It is derived from “candidus,” meaning “white” or “pure, bright.”

In ancient Rome, individuals running for public office wore white togas as a symbol of their purity and sincerity.

Over time, the term “candidatus” evolved into the modern word “candidate,” referring to someone seeking a position, honor, or membership, particularly in a political context.

The name of the fungi was chosen because many species of Candida produce white, creamy colonies when grown in culture. 

Naming story of some viruses

A virus is a tiny, invisible thing that’s somewhere between alive and not alive. It’s so small you can’t see it without a microscope. Viruses can get inside living cells and make them do things, like copying themselves. Sometimes, they make us sick, but they also have a role in nature. Even though they’re small, they have a big effect on how life works.


Fungi Scientific Naming

The word “candidate” comes from the Latin word “candidatus,” which means “clothed in white.” It is derived from “candidus,” meaning “white” or “pure, bright.”

In ancient Rome, individuals running for public office wore white togas as a symbol of their purity and sincerity.

Over time, the term “candidatus” evolved into the modern word “candidate,” referring to someone seeking a position, honor, or membership, particularly in a political context.

The name of the fungi was chosen because many species of Candida produce white, creamy colonies when grown in culture.